Yep, my Xbox Live Gold subscription ran out on the 1st of November... sucks complete ass. I am not going to be back home until the 12th maybe 13th of November, and I must say, it would be swell if I "randomly" got offered 12 month gold as an early B-day present. I don't expect something like this to happen often, hell, last time I got gold was a year ago... with the coming of new consoles and everyone having their own tastes of what they want... I just want to spend what time I have left with the people that have truly made my gaming experience something that can never be replaced. Not to sound sappy or anything, but, I'd like to consider you guys as my close friends maybe even family in a way... some of us have known each other long enough and have stuck together through rough times. Really guys, I wouldn't have it any other way, thanks for all the good times and I hope that we can continue making our own random and sometimes utterly hilarious history together in the coming future if we all still keep our 360's XD.